Wednesday, April 25, 2012

safety report regarding the first report


22 September :Tronoh. Regarding to the tragic incident that happened at the Universiti Teknologi Petronas(UTP) last week,The Chief Police of Tronoh,Perak had inform all the students to be more careful when wearing their attire during the class session or when want to entre the Information Resource Centre(IRC).Chief Police said,”all the students in UTP should be more carefull because we do not want this tragic incident happen again.All the students have to wear a good attire because feared someone that close to Vice Chancellor will avenged to all the students because The Vice Chancellor had been punished to the death sentence next week”.The Chief Of Tronoh police also want all the UTP students always bring along weapon that can used by them as their safety.Vice Chancellor are going to the death sentence in next week after the judges had confirm he was guilty and he had been charged killing people without permission.The Chief of Tronoh Police also said whoever that use violent style to punish all the students will be arrested and he also pointed this warning to the securerity guard name’s Imba who had been inform that he always use violent style to punish UTP’s students whenever they did wrong doings. Futher information will be inform later by the police from time to time.

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