Wednesday, April 25, 2012


     Majority of the people nowadays especially the teenagers who are about to enter the adult phase must have a dream career that they want to pursue right? So do I. Hence, if  you were offered to study engineering in local and medical at overseas, which one will you choose? If I were to be given the golden opportunity, I would definitely choose to study engineering in UTP in local. The following paragraphs will describe more about the reasons why I choose UTP.
     First and foremost, why I choose UTP is because of financial issue. If I choose UTP, in local, I can save money as the cost of living in Malaysia would be lower compared to if I choose Swansea and live at overseas. But then, to those who are rich, this money matter is nothing to them. However, not everyone is rich and can afford studying abroad, especially those who does not get any scholarship to further their studies and have to make a loan or perhaps using their parents' money.
     Next, the job opportunity for me if I choose UTP in local is high. This is because the course of engineering itself  has a wide area of learning. We can choose our heart content, which one we feel like doing the most. A few examples of the course are chemical engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and software engineering. Furthermore, it is said that more than 95% of UTP graduates are employed within 6 months after graduation. As we can see, UTP graduates are in demand.
      Moving to the next point, the reason why I choose to study in local in UTP is because of interest. Blunt speaking, I like Mathematics and Physics which I believe suits to be an engineer. Besides that, since I was small, I love playing with the LEGO and read stories about innovation of gadgets and stuff. Moreover, medical is just not my scope as I have this fear towards doctor and I do not like the medicines they give. Maybe some people say that interest can be nurtured, but then if it is just not the right one for me, it will still be useless for me to further my studies in Swansea.
     In a conclusion, I strongly believe that I am going to choose UTP in local over Swansea at overseas based on the above given reasons. Perhaps through other people’s perception they will choose Swansea over UTP. After all every people has different interest and views that make every person special and unique.

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